General Motors will build 60 thousand cars “Volt” in 2012

The General Motors company plans to produce 60 000 cars Chevrolet Volt in 2012 in order to draw attention to the company and become a high roller in the market of cars equipped with electromotors.
It was declared by the chairman of the GM and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dan Ekerson in his interview.

Though Chevrolet Volt is not completely an electric car since it is equipped with a small gasoline engine for an additional charge of its battery, nevertheless the General Motors company hopes to overtake by number of sales the fully electric model of Nissan LEAF which had already got more than 20’000 purchasers. 

It is necessary to mention, that the Nissan company plans to build 250’000 cars with the electromotor installed by 2016. Also it became known from the statement Dan Ekerson that GM expects that 10 % of all sales will make the sales of types of vehicles which use an alternative fuel technology by 2020.

The sales of Chevrolet Volt will begin in the end of the next year. The car price will be approximately about $50’000 – 60’000. The main competitor of Chevrolet will be Nissan LEAF which price is $51’500.