DS9 made by Citroen company - the competitor of the premium class cars

The French car manufacturer Citroen pleasantly gladdened its fansby the release of a new model constructed on the base of the concept “Metropolis”. This model named as DS9 will be serious competitor to sedans of the premium class of the leader in car construction of the world such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Jaguar. 

 The car has got some considerable dimensions: the length is 208, 7 in (5’300 mm) and 78, 74 in (2’000 mm) of its width.

 The classy design of the DS9 is designed by a studio of the PSA-Group from Shanghai. Unfortunately we know nothing about the car interior, but it not hard to guess that inside view of the vehicle will be not less elegant than outside one.

 Quite possible that there will be installed the navigating system voice operated in the car. An entertaining media system, massage seats and others so- called “exaggeration” will give extra comfort to its driver and passengers.