Budget car Skoda Rapid will appear in 2013

Many manufacturers have got budget models in their vehicle line, this cars well fixed with due comfort, but are assembled exclusively only with the most necessary without any excesses.
The Czech company plans to release the available car once again, the budget 5-doors Skoda Rapid.

In the past the concern already made a car under the same name which was produced from 1984 till 1988. At that time this car was in rather poor request therefore the decision was made to stop production. Within that period of time almost 23000 vehicles left the assembly line.

Why it has been decided to give this name to a newcomer and what it is associated -  it is not known.
Yesterday everything about this car sounded as some myth and quite a few out disbelieved up to the end that something like this will get into the bath, today the “curtain” of confidentiality is dropped and it is possible to see de visu how the new Skoda Rapid will look the one which is appealed to take its place in-between Octavia and Fobia in the model line.

The debut or it is better to say – the revival of the vehicle will take place at a car show in Paris in November of 2012 where the public will find out when the car will be available for sale.